Hum Tum filmmaker Kunal Kohli, who shares a close bond with the Khan-Kapoor family, has reacted to the shocking news about the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Mumbai. While fans of the star have been expressing concern and sharing heartfelt messages for his recovery on social media, the director-producer has shared an update about Khan’s health and has also requested everyone to give space to the family, considering the sensitivity of the situation.
Hum Tum filmmaker Kunal Kohli issues statement about the recouping health of Saif Ali Khan
Kunal Kohli on Saif Ali Khan’s health
In an interview with India Today, Kunal Kohli assured fans that the condition of Saif Ali Khan is currently stable after the surgery, along with asserting that he has been receiving constant updates from the family. "I have been in touch with the people close to the family and got updates. I want to give the family space and would urge all to give them space. The fact that he is stable and recovering well is heart-warming. Talking about the safety of Kareena Kapoor Khan and their sons, Taimur and Jeh, he added, “I hope they are good. It will take a lot of time for them to process it. It's a trauma that will not be over in a day."
About the attack on Saif Ali Khan
Saif Ali Khan was injured during an allegedly attempted robbery at his residence in the early hours of the morning. Between 2:00 AM and 2:30 AM, the actor was awoken by unusual noises and discovered an intruder in his home. In an effort to confront the would-be burglar, Saif was injured in the ensuing scuffle. The actor sustained multiple stab wounds, two of which are reported to be severe. He was soon rushed to the nearby Lilavati Hospital for a surgery. While his injuries were not life-threatening, now the actor’s team and his loved ones have assured that he is recovering from the same.
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