The Oscar-shortlisted short film Anuja is all set to make its streaming debut on Netflix, offering viewers a poignant, heartwarming, and powerful story. Directed by Adam J. Graves and produced by Suchitra Mattai, Anuja tells a hopeful tale of two sisters struggling to find joy and opportunity in a world intent on their exploitation and exclusion.
Oscar-shortlisted short film Anuja to stream on Netflix; deets inside
Shortlisted for a nomination at the 97th Academy Awards in the Best Live Action Short Film category, Anuja offers a reflection of the universal struggles faced by young girls worldwide. With the film now making its home on Netflix, it will be accessible to viewers in over 190 countries, ensuring its powerful message reaches a global audience.
Anuja has the backing of a remarkable team of producers: Suchitra Mattai, Mindy Kaling, Guneet Monga Kapoor, Krushan Naik, Aaron Kopp, Devananda Graves, Michael Graves, Ksheetij Saini, and Alexandra Blaney. Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Anita Bhatia are on board as Executive Producers. Co-Executive Producers include Archana Jain, Susan MacLaury, Albie Hecht. The film is grounded in deep research and filmed in collaboration with several community partners, including Mira Nair's Salaam Baalak Trust. This nonprofit organization focuses on empowering street and working children, and the lead actor, Sajda Pathan, is a beneficiary of the Trust.
'Anuja' tells a hopeful tale of two sisters struggling to find joy and opportunity in a world intent on their exploitation and exclusion. A heartfelt tribute to the resilience and untold stories of working children, highlighting their joy and hope amidst the inherent challenges…
— Netflix India (@NetflixIndia) January 14, 2025
Regarding the creative partners on board, Adam J Graves, Writer and Director, shared, "Anuja is a heartfelt tribute to the resilience and untold stories of working children, highlighting their joy and hope amidst challenges. The film captures the innocence and magic of childhood, brought to life through collaboration with Salaam Baalak Trust and the insights of NGOs such as the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation and Save the Children. I'm grateful to our producers and to Netflix for giving this important story a global platform, connecting audiences worldwide to the strength of these remarkable children."
Mindy Kaling shares her excitement and adds, “Anuja is a story that means so much to me—it’s powerful, hopeful, and full of life, just like the incredible young girls it represents. I’m deeply passionate about this film and grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Suchitra Mattai and Adam Graves to bring this important narrative to life. The film brings attention to crucial issues while celebrating resilience, humor, and hope. I’m delighted that, with Netflix joining the team, the conversation will expand as it reaches audiences far and wide."
On the film’s release on Netflix, Guneet Monga Kapoor shared, “Anuja is a story of unparalleled courage, a film made with a lot of heart. Director Adam J. Graves delivers a message through an empowered and entertaining lens. I’m honoured to be part of the journey ahead, alongside Producers Mindy Kaling, Suchitra Mattai and Krushan Naik, and now one of the most powerful Brown voices to champion our story - Priyanka Chopra Jonas. In anticipation and hope of an Academy Award Nomination, I’m thankful to Netflix for embracing Anuja and providing it with the platform and voice it truly deserves, bringing our story to a global audience, with Netflix’s presence in over 190 countries.”
With its compelling narrative, powerful performances and real-life inspiration, Anuja promises to inspire audiences worldwide. The short film will not only showcase the struggles of young girls in their pursuit of education but also amplify the voices of those who are often overlooked. Anuja is more than just a film — it’s a movement, one that will hopefully spark change for the future of children everywhere.
Don’t miss the chance to experience this Oscar-shortlisted gem, soon to stream exclusively on Netflix.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra Jonas boards Oscar-shortlisted Anuja as Executive Producer
Tags : 97th Academy Awards, Adam J. Graves, Anita Bhatia, Anuja, Best Live Action Short Film, Bollywood News, Guneet Monga Kapoor, Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation, Mindy Kaling, Netflix, Netflix debut, Netflix India, News, Oscar-shortlisted, OTT, OTT Platform, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Sajda Pathan, Salaam Baalak Trust, Save The Children, Suchitra Mattai, Trending
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