China Emerges As Top Shipbuilding Nation, Pentagon Alarmed As US Dependent on Chinese-Built Vessels
China’s shipbuilding policies that have proved detrimental to the US and its allies’ shipbuilding industry, according to latest analysis. Japan and South Korea, which once dominated the market, are now struggling to keep pace with China. The share of the US commercial shipbuilding sector has plummeted to just 0.11 percent of the global total in 2024.Two decades ago, the US Navy had 282 battle-force ships against the Chinese navy’s 220. However, as of now, Chinese ships outnumber those of the US Navy 400 to 295, the CSIS (Center for Strategic and Studies) notes in its latest report. n18oc_world n18oc_crux0:00 INTRODUCTION1:22 CHINA VS US2:16 US ALARMED BY CHINA’S SHIPBUILDING CAPABILITIES4:24 CAN TRUMP REVIVE US SHIPBUILDING LEGACY?