Hidden World? New Discovery Suggests Pyramids In Egypt's Giza Defy Physics And Link To Galaxies

10 hours ago

Last Updated:March 25, 2025, 20:44 IST

The scientists for the first time spoke to the press and said that what they found beneath the pyramids can only be a true underground city.


The Sphinx (C) is pictured near the pyramids of Menkaure (R) and Khafre in Giza. (IMAGE: REUTERS)

Scientists revealed that they have discovered tunnels, pillars, pathways, and halls beneath the central Khafre pyramid. This discovery, made with satellite radar technology by researchers from the University of Strathclyde and the University of Pisa, was shared with the press.

Corrado Malanga, one of the researchers, said that magnified images show what looks like an underground city. Malanga and Filippo Biondi estimate the network goes 2.1 km (about a mile and a quarter) deep and possibly predates the pyramids built around 4,500 years ago.

“When we magnify the images, we will reveal what can only be described as a true underground city… an entire hidden world of many structures," said Malanga.

Three-dimensional images using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology reveal five structures at the base of the pyramid, located about ten miles southwest of Cairo. The purpose of these structures is unclear, but they are connected by geometric passages.

More impressive are eight vertical columns descending 2,125 feet into two large cubic chambers. This depth is nearly five times the height of the Khafre pyramid, which is 448 feet tall. The stone cylinders are arranged in two rows running north to south, aligning precisely with the pyramids’ edges facing north, south, east, and west.

“If something appears in one satellite’s scan but not the other’s, we know it is a false signal," said Malanga. “The readings were completely consistent, ruling out any chance of misinterpretation."

The total height of the Khafre pyramid, including the columns and cubes, is 2,835 feet, taller than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which stands at 2,717 feet. There is also a spiral walkway around each pillar, which is puzzling given its construction 2,500 years before the birth of Jesus.

SAR works by sending radar pulses to detect underground objects, similar to how radar tracks airplanes. The signals were sent from satellites 420 miles above Earth.

Malanga explained that if an object appears in one satellite’s scan but not the other’s, it’s a false signal. Their readings were consistent, ruling out misinterpretation. The team also considered the possibility that the pillars and cubes were part of the pyramid’s foundation.

However, SAR images also show a large scattering of archaeological remains beyond the foundations, which could indicate an underground city.

Interest in Egypt’s mysteries peaked in the 1990s when archaeologist Robert Bauval claimed the pyramids aligned with the stars in the Orion constellation 10,500 years ago, despite the pyramids being built around 2,600 BC to 2,500 BC. The Sphinx, facing due east, aligns with the star sign Leo on the vernal equinox. Some believe the Sphinx, modeled on a human-headed lion, is thousands of years older than previously thought.

Boston University’s Professor Robert Schoch suggested that the Sphinx’s erosion was caused by heavy rainfall, which Egypt hasn’t seen for nearly 10,000 years.

Graham Hancock noted the precise ratio between the Khufu pyramid’s dimensions and Earth’s measurements, linking it to the sun’s rotation through the zodiac signs over 43,200 years.

Bradley Walsh, in his documentary, highlighted the pyramid’s construction accuracy, which might be achievable today with laser tools. It was supposedly built in 24 years using 2.3 million stone blocks, each weighing 2.5 to 70 tons. Hancock calculated that masons would have needed to place one block every two minutes, working ten hours a day for 365 days a year.

Theories about the pyramid’s construction range from the use of thousands of slaves to acoustic levitation, where sound waves made the blocks weightless, an idea dating back over 1,000 years.

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe later suggested the pyramids were blast shelters from asteroid showers, pointing to rare gems in North Africa’s deserts as evidence of an asteroid impact, leading to the construction of bunkers for protection.

Location :

London, United Kingdom (UK)

First Published:

March 25, 2025, 20:44 IST

News world Hidden World? New Discovery Suggests Pyramids In Egypt's Giza Defy Physics And Link To Galaxies

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