King Charles III Has An Indian-Origin Assistant Private Secretary: Meet Muna Shamsuddin Who Works At Buckingham Palace

10 hours ago

Last Updated:March 09, 2025, 16:18 IST

Muna Shamsuddin was appointed to the post in August 2023, while working at the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office in London. Her father hails from Kasargod

Muna Shamsuddin and King Charles III. (LinkedIn/AP File)

Muna Shamsuddin and King Charles III. (LinkedIn/AP File)

Did you know that there is a link between Kerala’s Kasaragod and United Kingdom’s Buckingham Palace?

Muna Shamsuddin, a person of Indian-origin from Kerala, is currently serving as British King Charles III’s Assistant Private Secretary.

Shamsuddin was appointed to the post in August 2023, while working at the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office in London. According to reports, Shamsuddin and her colleagues oversee the official programmes of King Charles. They are also expected to accompany the King on foreign trips.

She joined the British Foreign Services after graduating in Mathematics and Engineering from the University of Nottingham in Britain.

A look at her work experience from her LinkedIn profile:

June 2008-September 2009: She served as the Trade Officer at theDepartment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.September 2009-March 2012: She was a Diplomat at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.April 2012-April 2013: She was the Second Secretary Political at the British Embassy.April 2013-September 2016: At the British Consulate General, she served as the Consul Political and Head of Political TeamOctober 2016-November 2019: She served as a Diplomat at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.November 2019-December 2021: She was the Deputy Head Of Mission at theBritish Deputy High Commission.January 2022-January 2024: She was a Diplomat at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.


Shamsuddin is the daughter of late Dr Puthyapurayil Shamsuddin and Shahnaz alias Sayedunnisa of Hashim Street in Talankara Theruvath. Her husband, David, is a UN official.

Her father was the son of the late P. Ahmed, a renowned lawyer in Kasaragod, and late Zainababi. After working in the US, UK and Saudi Arabia, her father returned to Britain and lived with his family in Birmingham.

Her relative, Muhammed Sameer Puthyapur, told ETV Bharat that Shamsuddin had visited Kasaragod 10 years ago. He said she used to visit Kasaragod every year with her family as a child and that they hope to welcome her back.

Location : First Published:

March 09, 2025, 16:18 IST

News india King Charles III Has An Indian-Origin Assistant Private Secretary: Meet Muna Shamsuddin Who Works At Buckingham Palace

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