Maharashtra Minister Introduces ‘Malhar Certification’ For 100% Hindu-Run Meat Shops

3 hours ago

Last Updated:March 10, 2025, 18:12 IST

Nitish Rane announced the creation of jhatka meat suppliers' platform called, which would be run exclusively by Hindus.

Maharashtra minister Nitish Rane (X)

Maharashtra minister Nitish Rane (X)

Malhar certification in Maharashtra: Maharashtra Minister Nitish Rane on Monday launched a new portal to register all jhatka mutton shops across the state under a newly launched initiative, “Malhar Certification". Rane asserted that the certification would be provided exclusively to Hindu community.

Rane announced the creation of jhatka meat suppliers’ platform called, which would be run exclusively by Hindus. He further asserted that there would be no adulteration in the mutton anywhere.

“Today we have taken a very important step for the Hindu community in Maharashtra. Malhar ( has been launched on this occasion. Through Malhar Certification, we will have access to our rightful mutton shops and there will be a 100 percent Hindu community and the person selling will also be a Hindu. No adulteration will be found in the mutton anywhere," he said in a post on X.

आज मल्हार सर्टिफाइड झटका मांसआज आम्ही महाराष्ट्रातल्या हिंदू समाजासाठी अतिशय महत्त्वाचे पाऊल उचलले आहे. मल्हार सर्टिफिकेशन डॉट कॉम( या निमित्ताने सुरू झालेलं आहे. मल्हार सर्टिफिकेशनच्या माध्यमातून आपल्याला आपल्या हक्काची मटण दुकानं उपलब्ध होतील व १००…

— Nitesh Rane (@NiteshNRane) March 10, 2025

Announcing the initiative, the Maharashtra fisheries minister urged Hindus to not buy mutton from shops which don’t have Malhar certification.

“I appeal to you to use Malhar certification as much as possible and in fact, not to buy mutton from places where Malhar certification is not available. These efforts will definitely make the youth of the Hindu community financially empowered," Rane added.

Halal Mutton vs Jhatka Mutton

The Malhar certification is similar to the existing halal certification in India, where meat is prepared according to Sharia or Islamic law. Islam stipulates that an animal is to be sacrificed in a certain manner before it can be consumed by members of the community.

Contrary to the halal way of slaughter, jhatka meat is prepared after killing the animal in a painless way with a single blow.

All About Malhar Certification

As per the platform’s website, it is “a certified platform for Jhatka mutton and chicken vendors." It further mentioned that the goat or sheep meat is prepared and “sacrificed according to Hindu traditions."

“This meat is available exclusively through Hindu Khatik community vendors. Therefore, we encourage everyone to purchase mutton only from vendors certified by Malhar," the website added.

Location : First Published:

March 10, 2025, 18:12 IST

News india Maharashtra Minister Introduces ‘Malhar Certification’ For 100% Hindu-Run Meat Shops

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