Caught On Cam: Woman Poisons Co-Worker Over Job Promotion Envy, Faces Attempt To Murder Charge

4 hours ago

Last Updated:March 06, 2025, 20:38 IST

A woman allegedly poisoned her co-worker after the latter was given promotion at the workplace in Brazil. The incident was caught on CCTV.


Brazilian woman poisons co-worker over job promotion (Photo: X/@Metropoles)

A 38-year-old woman was arrested in the central Brazilian city of Abaida de Goiás, nearly two weeks after she attempted to kill her colleague by mixing chemicals into the co-worker’s water bottle following a dispute over promotion.

The woman, whose name was concealed, committed the crime after her colleague earned a promotion at a textile factory, according to the Goiás Civil Police.

The suspect entered into a heated exchange with the co-worker as she was “very angry" over their boss announcing the ascent on February 14, UK’s Daily Mail reported.

Jealous of her achievement, the woman waited for her to leave and then walked up to the area where their water bottles were stored. The CCTV cameras installed there showed her picking up her water bottle and mixing a chemical substance in it.

The promoted co-worker drank from the bottle, and as she felt a burning sensation in her mouth, she requested medical aid.

The accused woman has been booked with an attempt to murder charge, and she could be jailed for a term between 6 to 20 years if found guilty.

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First Published:

March 06, 2025, 20:38 IST

News world Caught On Cam: Woman Poisons Co-Worker Over Job Promotion Envy, Faces Attempt To Murder Charge

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